
Monday, July 14, 2008

Street Level Gotham

Salon de Ning

Ποτά με θέα απαραίτητη έξοδος στο Gotham όλες τις εποχές
Ωραίο το Salon de Ning εάν το Πεκίνο σας πέφτει μακριά και αντέχει η κάρτα.

From the NYTimes
Salon de Ning

Gothamist: Mad 46 Roosevelt Hotel
Thom Bar

Cellar Bar / New York Nightlife

Lobby Lounge - Reviews and Ratings of Bars and Clubs in New York ...

Mad 46
David Grieg
From 67 Short Poems About Drinking


On the very few occasions when I have too much to drink

The complex interplay between my sorrow and my stink,

Is more art to me, causes me more to wonder and to think

Than a symphony of mozart, conducted by Haitink.


Pass me a line, slip me a pill

Hand me a bottle til I drink my fill

The world is dirty and cruel things happen in it

Forgive me, if I abandon consciousness for a minute.