Αυξήσεις εισιτηρίων για τα λεωφορεία και το subway.
City Transit, MTA Long Island Bus, MTA Bus
Subway and Bus Fares, as approved by the MTA Board, December 2007, for MTA New York
Η βασική τιμή εισιτηρίου παραμένει ως έχει δηλ. $ 2.00 αυξήσεις γίνονται στις κάρτες πολλαπλών διαδρομών
New fares take effect March 2, 2008
Current Fare Proposed Fare
Base fare is $2.00.
Base express bus fare is $5.00.
Base fare remains $2.00.
Base express bus fare remains $5.00.
On Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard, an additional 20% is added to card with the purchase or addition of $10 or more.
Initial Pay-Per-Ride minimum purchase is $4.
On Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard, an additional 15% is added to card with the purchase or addition
of $7 or more. (Cost per ride would increase from $1.67 to $1.74.)
Initial Pay-Per-Ride minimum purchase remains $4.00.
Unlimited ride card prices are:
1-Day Fun Pass: $7.
7-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $24.
30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $76.
Unlimited ride cards will increase to:
1-Day Fun Pass: $7.50.
7-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $25.
30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $81.
No 14-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard is available.
Introduce a 14-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard that will cost $47.Cost of 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard is $41.
Cost of 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard remains $41.
Initial Pay-Per-Ride minimum purchase remains $4.00.
Unlimited ride card prices are:
1-Day Fun Pass: $7.
7-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $24.
30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $76.
Unlimited ride cards will increase to:
1-Day Fun Pass: $7.50.
7-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $25.
30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: $81.
No 14-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard is available.
Introduce a 14-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard that will cost $47.Cost of 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard is $41.
Cost of 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard remains $41.
Transfer policies and senior citizen/disabled/student reduced fare discount policies will not change.
Paratransit fares for Access-A-Ride in New York City and Able-Ride in Nassau County will not
New York Taxi
Τα TAXI by law, δέχονται πιστωτικές, σχεδόν όλες και δεν υπάρχει MINIMUM.
Σε περίπτωση που ο semi – ευγενικός οδηγός taxi ενημερώσει στο τέλος της διαδρομής ότι χάλασε το μηχάνημα που περνάει τις πιστωτικές κάρτες, ο επιβάτης δεν του δίνει cash βρίζοντας στην γλώσσα του, επιμένει με την πιστωτική εκτός αν ο οδηγός δεχθεί $ 2.21 in cash όταν το ρολόι γράφει $ 52.50
The flat fare for trips from JFK Airport to Manhattan is $45.00 plus any tolls.
There are no tolls for Queensborough Bridge, the toll for Queens Midtown Tunnel is $4.50 ($4.00 with EZ Pass).
The meter will not be turned on and the night surcharge will not be added.Sample Fares from JFKAirport to destinations other than Manhattan
(These are estimated fares. Tolls are in addition to metered fares and are not shown.)
To LaGuardia Airport $24 - $28To Newark Airport $69 - $75 + $15 surcharge
To Brooklyn Downtown $33 - $38To LaGuardia Airport $24 - $28To Newark Airport $69 - $75 + $15 surcharge
To Staten Island New Dorp Lane $52 - $55
To the Bronx Co-op City $39 - $44